After-School Programs
Titan Academy provides its own campus-run after-school program for currently enrolled students. Students are engaged in enrichment activities, given ample time and assistance for homework, and provided with a snack each day.
Care is offered Monday through Friday from the end of the school day until 6:00 pm.
Services will be provided in accordance with TBP's academic calendar. In the event of inclement weather, natural or other disaster, or if Titan Academy is closed, childcare will not be provided.
On scheduled half-days, Titan Academy will provide services from the dismissal of school for 2.5 hours. Titan Academy may choose to provide extended care on a half day, and parents will be notified in advance, and there will be an additional $15 per student charge assessed for extended care.
Monthly Rate: $180 per student
Sibling Discount ($10 off per student) - Must reside in same household
Monthly tuition is due on the 1st day of each month and will be considered late on the 3rd calendar day of the month. If payment is made after the 3rd calendar day of the month, a $10 fee will be assessed. If payment is not made by the 7th calendar day of the month, the student(s) will not be permitted to attend the after-school program until the outstanding balance is satisfied.
Half-day fee, late fee, and late pick up fees must be satisfied promptly as well.
Missed payment offenses will be recorded and addressed with a warning. If the problem persists, Titan Academy reserves the right to terminate care.
Payments are made through an online portal monthly and auto-draft may be set up through the portal.
Titan Academy accepts all major credit and debit cards. No checks, cash or on-site payments will be accepted.
Refund Policy: Titan Academy does not offer refunds for any reason. There is no refund for withdrawing a student prior to the end of the month. There is no refund for unexpected school closures due to inclement weather, natural disaster, global pandemic, nor any other issue. No refund in the form of a credit will be issued.
Policies and Procedures for Pickup
Parents are expected to pick up their children promptly by 6:00 pm.
Pick up for the after-school program will begin at 4:00 in order to give Titan Academy ample time for regular day dismissal. Please contact the on-site campus staff if you need to pick up before 4:00 pm to make arrangements.
Late pickup will not be tolerated and late pick up fees will be assessed as follows:
- Beginning at 6:05 pm, a $5 fee will be assessed.
- A late fee of $1/minute will be applied for the remainder of the time that the child is in the care of TBP.
Late pickup fees will be added to the account and expected to be paid upon the next scheduled payment.
Titan Academy will only release children to parents/legal guardians, or those individuals listed on the pick-up list. Please have your pick-up card issued by Titan Academy available. Individuals who do not present the pickup card will need to show ID and must be on the pickup list.
Code of Conduct
While Titan Academy does not expect to have any disciplinary issues, it is necessary to convey our policies and procedures should such occur. They are as follows:
- Students are expected to be obedient and respectful of faculty at all times.
- The first time a student is written-up or cited, the parent will be notified during pickup and asked to sign a notice.
- Should a student be written-up or cited for the same issue more than once, a parent/teacher conference will need to take place in order to resolve any problems, along with a signed notice.
- The third offense will result in termination of after school care.
It is Titan Academy's desire to be fair and kind towards you and your children and to create a fun and safe atmosphere for all. If there is something we should know that would help us to better serve your child(ren), please be sure to share with us so that we can make adjustments as needed.
Upon registration, a $50 charge will be applied to hold a child's seat. This charge will be applied to your first month's bill.